EP172: "Things I No Longer Buy" with Bridget Utschig

After years of living a minimalist lifestyle, I’ve noticed that there are certain items I never (or rarely) buy anymore. Some of these you simply can say ‘no’ to while others take a bit more intentionality. My guest today, Bridget Utschig joins me to share her list of twenty items she no longer buys as a minimalist. A lot of her list is curated towards clean living; however, the vast majority of these items are simple shifts you could make that benefit in more ways than one. Also, I wanted to note that some of the items Bridget mentions may require an initial investment; however, moving forward, you’ll no longer need to buy them (at least not as regularly)!

About Bridget

Hello, I am Bridget! I am a wife, former teacher and full-time mama to soon-to-be four! I love sharing inspiring ideas to help you simplify your approach to a clean, simple + clutter-free motherhood while embracing a more minimal life. I am here to help you simplify your hectic life naturally while giving you practical tips to lead a more clean + simple life. I love sharing things I no longer buy after going clean + simple along with clean DIY recipes and decluttering inspirations. Motherhood should be a time to enjoy so let’s simplify and make time for what matters most. Join me on this journey to live a more clean, simple + clutter-free motherhood! You can follow her on Instagram.

Links Discussed in This Episode

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Bonus Episode: Intentional Exercise with Brooke Cates


Bonus Episode: Minimalism as a Tool to Debt Freedom with Lauren Hooper